ONLINE WORKSHOP | Thursday 11 July 2024

Building Sustainable Gender Focused Angel Investment Across Europe: the Role of ESIL Next Gen Angels

Our dynamic workshop designed to propel gender diversity within the European angel investment landscape took place on Thursday 11th July 2024. This half-day event, held online, convened angel investors, researchers, policymakers, and representatives from European organisations.

Through a series of interactive panels and presentations, participants delved into the current state of women angel investors in Europe, explored successful strategies for increasing gender balance, and identified opportunities to cultivate thriving, gender-focused angel communities across the continent.

A particular focus was placed on the role of ESIL Next Gen Angels, as a pioneering initiative aimed at fostering a new generation of younger, more geographically diverse, and gender-inclusive angel investors in Europe. By equipping attendees with valuable insights and fostering collaboration, the workshop strived to develop a concrete roadmap for amplifying the impact of ESIL and propelling sustainable gender-focused angel investment throughout Europe. 

Objectives of the workshop

This comprehensive workshop aimed at advancing gender diversity within the European angel investment ecosystem.

Shedding Light on the Landscape

Identifying Best Practices

Empowering Women Leaders

Leveraging European Support

Building Sustainable Communities

Fostering Collaboration

Who could participate?
  • Angel Investors

Both established and aspiring angel investors, with a particular focus on women interested in angel investing and those already active in the field.

  • Researchers and Data Providers

Experts and Academics who conduct research on gender and angel investment, with a focus on European data and trends.

  • Policymakers

Government officials and representatives from relevant European institutions who are responsible for developing policies that support gender equality in entrepreneurs.

  • Investment Professionals

Individuals working within the investment ecosystem, including venture capitalists, investment bankers, and representatives from business incubators and accelerators.

  • Support Organisations

Representatives from organizations that provide resources and support to angel investors, including business angel networks, accelerators, training providers and wider professionals in the ecosystem  at regional, national and European level.

Agenda & Panellists
24/7 Dedicated Support

Introduction: Setting the Scene for Gender Focused Angel Investment

Workshop moderated by Jenny Tooth OBE, VP Diversity, Business Angels Europe

2.00pm – 2.15pm: Welcome

2.15pm – 2.30pm: Opening Address on The importance of a gender focused approach to investment for Europe’s future economic growth with Samira Rafaela, Visiting Fellow at the Cornell University Global Labor Institute.

Topic 1: What does the Data tell us on Women Angel Investment?

Moderated by Reginald Vossen, President, Business Angels Europe and CEO Business Angels Network Flanders

2.30pm -3.10pm: Panel Discussion

Short presentations including:

  • Henry Whorwood, Managing Director Research and Consultancy, Beauhurst: “Women Angel Insights: The Impact of Women angel investing” 2022 UK
  • Prof Laurence Cohen, Associate professor in finance, School of Management Université de Lyon, France: Research “Does gender matter in driving active angel investment investigating a women-only angel group”
  • Kinga Stanislawska, Co-Founder European Women in VC, GP and Founder Experior Venture Fund, Poland: EWVC Research on women in leadership and decision -making in investment

Topic 2: What Works in Increasing Angel Gender Diversity in the European Investment Base and How Good Practice Will Support Work in ESIL

Moderated by Triin Linamagi, Founder and CEO Sie Ventures  

3.10pm - 3.50pm: Panel Discussion


  • Florence Richardson, Femmes Business Angels, France, ESIL Archangel
  • Lurdes Gramaxo, Investors Portugal, ESIL Archangel
  • Mary McKenna, Co-Founder Awaken Women Angels, Ireland and NI, European Woman Angel of the Year
  • Deepali Nangia, Atomico Angel, Co-Founder Alma Angels and partner SpeedInvest, Austria

3.50pm -4.10pm: Coffee break

Topic 3: Empowering Women Leaders in Angel Investing in Female Founders in Europe - with Specific Reference to ESIL Selected Countries.

Moderated by Jana Drzkova - Euroquity, BPIFrance

4.10pm - 4.50pm: Panel Discussion


  • Elena Nikolova, Bulgarian Angels Club
  • Mirna Marovic, Managing Director, VentureXchange; President, Croatian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (CVCA) and business angel 
  • Selena Stan, Co-Leader Venture Investment, Women Invest in Tech Angels Club
  • llinca Paun, Founder Bravva Angels , Romania


Download the detailed agenda and panelists list.

Material shared during the workshop

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